How Much Electricity Does An Air Fryer Use?

How Much Electricity Does An Air Fryer Use?

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Air fryers are the healthier way to enjoy fried food. Air fryers have become a popular kitchen appliance that is a must-have appliance for your counter. You can make so many foods in your air fryer. 

You can cut potatoes and make your own french fries. You can place the cookie dough in the air fryer and make a giant cookie. You can also cook meat in your air fryer too. 

Though owning an air fryer might be a great choice for your diet, is it a great choice for your budget? Air fryers can tend to be pricey, but yes, if you are serious about cutting out unhealthy fried foods, then an air fryer is an excellent choice. 

However, will owning an air fryer increase your electric bill or help it? 

An air fryer circulates hot air around your food to make sure it is cooked thoroughly and adds crispness to it. An air fryer also takes longer to make something than just deep-frying it. Exactly how much electricity will your new air fryer use? 

The average cost of running an air fryer is about 15 cents per hour of use. How much energy an air fryer uses is dependent on the size, make, and model of the air fryer. The average range for how much energy an air fryer uses is around 800 watts for smaller models and 2,175 watts for larger ones.  

So, if you have an 800 watt air fryer and use it for an hour it will cost you about ten cents (if your electricity costs 12 cents per kWh). If you have a larger air fryer that is 2.200 watts then it will cost you 26 cents to run it for an hour (again if your electricity costs 12 cents per kWh). 

A traditional oven uses between 2,000 and 5,000 watts of electricity per hour so it will cost you a lot more to use a traditional oven than it would an air fryer. This is especially true for foods that you have to preheat the oven for which will cost you even more electricity. 

To see the most popular air fryers just click here. 

What Uses More Power, An Air Fryer Or A Microwave? 

Comparing a microwave and an air fryer can almost be like comparing apples and oranges. They each perform two separate functions. A microwave is designed to use a lot of energy for a short amount of time to heat or reheat your food. An air fryer uses a lower amount of energy for a longer amount of time but is also a healthier way to heat or reheat your food. 

Though they both function very differently, both a microwave and air fryer still use energy. Does one use more energy than the other? Is it more energy-efficient to reheat your food with an air fryer or a microwave? 

An air fryer will use more electricity to heat or reheat food than a microwave will. However, an air fryer can also cook dishes from scratch while a microwave cannot in most cases. 

Air fryers take more time to reach the desired heat to cook than a microwave. Air fryers will typically take around 10 minutes to preheat and warm up your food so it will cost approximately 4 cents in electricity. A microwave will typically only need one minute to reheat the food so it will only cost 2/10 of a cent to power it for that minute. 

As you can see, microwaves are much more energy-efficient than air fryers. Air fryers may use around the same wattage (depending on their size), but they run for much longer than a microwave so they will use more electricity. 

What Appliance Uses The Most Energy In The Kitchen? 

Have you ever wondered what item in your kitchen is using the most electricity? There’s the oven, the microwave, and the fridge that are always plugged in. However, when you use a crockpot, you use it for several hours at a time. 

What about your dishwasher? When you run your dishwasher, does it end up using more electricity than the fridge? 

For most people, the fridge will be the largest energy user in their kitchen. However, if you cook in the oven on a daily basis then it could be the largest energy user in your kitchen. Ultimately it comes down to how often you cook in your kitchen as to whether it is your oven or fridge that uses more power. 

There are actually several items in your kitchen that could be using the most electricity. The fridge/freezer will use a lot of electricity, however, if you have an energy-efficient fridge, then it might not use the most electricity in the kitchen. If you run the dishwasher after every meal, it might be using the most electricity in the kitchen. 

If you use your oven to cook breakfast, lunch, and supper then it is likely that appliance is using the most electricity. 

If you want to cut down on your electricity use in the kitchen, be sure to purchase energy-efficient appliances. They will run more efficiently and help keep your electric bill lower over time. 

How Can You Reduce Electricity For Appliances That Can’t Be Unplugged? 

There are some appliances that are more convenient to use if they are always plugged in. It can be very inconvenient to pull out your air fryer every time you want to use it. If you have room on your counter, great, but there are still other appliances that need to be plugged in too. 

If you have so many appliances plugged in at the same time, is there a way to reduce just how much electricity is being used? 

The best way to reduce electricity costs for appliances that can’t be unplugged is to reduce the time that you use them or use a smaller appliance if possible. So for example, rather than using your oven during the summertime it would save electricity if you use a toaster oven or air fryer instead. You can also upgrade to more energy efficient appliances to help save money on your electricity bills. 

The best way to reduce the electricity that is being used is to unplug it. If possible, you can unplug almost all of the appliances in your kitchen every night. Obviously, the fridge needs to run all the time so your food won’t spoil, but other appliances can be unplugged at night. The best way to unplug your appliances is by having them all on a power strip. This way, you only need to unplug a power strip nightly instead of several individual appliances. 

Here are a few other ways that you can reduce the electricity being used if unplugging the appliance or device isn’t an option. 

  • Power Strips: Even if you don’t unplug the power strip nightly, a power strip can help minimize the energy being used. However, you need to be careful not to overload the power strip. You can use a surge protector power strip to ensure that if there is an overload, the power strip will turn itself off. 
  • Sleep Mode: If you have your computer and other electronics with a display, the best option is to place it in sleep mode. You can also manually turn off monitors to save energy. Additionally, if you have digital photo frames or Alexa shows, you can unplug them when you are away or put them in a power-saving mode to save on energy. 
  • Unplug Chargers: Most people typically have a charger in every room, plugged in, and ready to go. Unfortunately, plugged-in chargers use a lot of energy. The best option is to unplug them after your device is completely charged. You can have a space where your chargers stay whenever they are not in use. This way, you can also cut down on how many chargers you purchase as well. 

Final Thoughts

Air fryers don’t use much electricity and are a great way to enjoy fried foods without all the guilt. If you are worried about your electric bill, you can purchase energy-efficient appliances to help keep down the cost. 

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